The Constitution, Bylaws And Standing Orders of AU
(November, 2022)
Article I – Name:
The name of this Association shall be the ‘Abraham University Alumni
Association’ (AUAA)
Article II – Purposes:
In recognition of the fact that Abraham University is an extension of the
Leadership ministry God has given Bishop Abraham:
The mission of the Abraham University Alumni Association is to support the
University and serve its alumni. We support the University by promoting interest in, securing financial commitment for, and advancing the mission of Abraham University.
We serve the alumni by providing information, programs, and activities that
encourage them to fulfill their calling to ‘raise Transformational Leaders who
makes a difference; doing what really makes a difference in an indifference world’.
Article III – Membership:
- Any person who holds an undergraduate or graduate degree
conferred by the Abraham University, any person who holds honorary
degrees, doctorates, Leadership Achievement Awards and any person
who has matriculated at the University, whose class has graduated, and
who is approved for membership by the Board of Directors of the
Association, shall be a regular member of the Association upon
compliance with the terms and conditions for membership as specified
by the bylaws. - Only regular members of the Association may vote in the affairs of the
Association. - Membership dues may be assessed as provided for by an amendment to
the bylaws. - Associate or honorary membership may be conferred upon
persons who do not qualify for regular membership as specified by the
bylaws. Associate and honorary members may not vote in the affairs of
the Association
Article IV – Board of Directors:
This Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors elected from the
regular members. Board membership shall consist of no fewer than twelve (12)
members. Board members shall be elected by the regular members or appointed
by the Board from among the membership; provided, however, that a majority of
the Board must be elected by the regular members. The method of election and
appointment, as well as the conditions of eligibility for election shall be provided in
the bylaws, provided that:
- a majority of the Board shall not be employed by Abraham
University; - each director shall be elected or appointed to a term normally of
two years (24 months) commencing on a date designated in the bylaws,
and shall be eligible for reelection or reappointment as specified in the
bylaws; the term of members elected to serve as officers of the Board
will automatically be extended, as necessary, to encompass their term as
an officer; Director terms may last less than two years due to special
circumstances as specified in the bylaws; - a portion of the board will include appropriate class-based
segmentation representation; - a vacancy on the Board may be filled by the Board of Directors
at any special or regular meeting of the Board, provided the appointee
shall serve only for the remainder of the term; and - the Board shall have such regular and special meetings as the
bylaws specify, but not fewer than six months.
Article V – Bylaws:
The Board of Directors, by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote, shall establish and
amend bylaws for the governing, management, and conduct of the business and
affairs of this Association consistent with this constitution. The bylaws may
provide for an executive committee which shall exercise authority and function on
behalf of the Board of Directors in a manner specified by the bylaws.
Article VI – Board Officers:
- The officers of the Board of Directors shall be elected by said
Board and shall include a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and such other
officers as the bylaws may specify or permit. - The officers shall perform such duties as the bylaws specify and the
Board of Directors orders. - All officers shall be graduates of the University, or awardees of
the University. - The Board shall have the assistance of an Executive Director of
Alumni Relations who shall be an ex officio member of the Board and will
vote only in the case of a tie. - The Executive Director shall be appointed by the President of the
University, with approval voted upon by the Board of Directors of the
Association. - Each Chairman shall be elected or appointed for a term of two
(2) years, commencing on a date designated by the bylaws. - In the event the Chairman is unable to complete the designated
term, the Vice-Chairman shall automatically succeed to the position of
Chairman and serve out the unexpired portion of the term.
Article VII – Committees:
When necessary, committees may be appointed by the Board of Directors and
serve as extensions of the Board in regard to specifically designated functions.
Article VIII – Local Alumni Fellowship:
The Board of Directors, as provided in the standing rules, may grant and revoke
charters to local chapters, graduate divisions, and geographic groups or
fellowships and such charters shall represent affiliation with this association.
Article IX – Limitations on Association Powers:
- The duration of this Association shall be perpetual.
- No part of the activities of this Association shall consist of
carrying on propaganda, nor shall it engage in any activities that are
unlawful for charitable or educational organizations to engage in under
either the laws of the State of Texas, United States of America or of any
state; nor shall it engage in any transaction “prohibited” under the (IRS)
Internal Revenue Laws of the United States of America. - No compensation or payment shall ever be made or paid to any
member, officer, trustee, or organizer of this Association, except as a
reasonable allowance for expenditures or for services rendered. - Neither the whole nor part of the assets for the income of this
Association shall ever be distributed to or divided among any such persons, nor shall this Association afford any pecuniary gain to its
members. - The members of this Association shall have no personal liability
whatsoever for its obligations. - This Association shall have no capital stock, and it is neither
organized, nor shall it be conducted, to obtain pecuniary profits. - In the event of the liquidation or dissolution of this Association,
its net assets shall be distributed only to Abraham University, if it be then
qualified for exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
code of 1954, or at its request to another corporation or organization
qualified for exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the (IRS) Internal
Revenue code of 1954 having charitable or educational purposes.
Article X – Amendments:
Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by:
- petitions signed by at least twenty-five (25) regular members of
the Association, or - resolution of the Board of Directors. Such proposed
amendments shall thereupon be circulated to all regular members and
voted upon by written open ballots furnished to the members, or any
other means as shall ensure the integrity of process and maximum
participation of eligible regular members. - Upon receipt of the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
total votes cast upon the question, the amendment shall be adopted.
(November, 2022)
Section 1.01 Regular Membership:
Any person who holds a graduate or undergraduate degree conferred by the University shall be a regular member (“Regular Member”) of the Abraham University Alumni Association (“Association”). Every Regular Member is eligible to vote on issues presented to the body of the Alumni Association for consideration.
Section 1.02 Associate Membership:
Any former matriculate of Abraham University (“University”) who has completed a minimum of twelve (12) hours and who does not hold a degree from the University but whose class is graduated shall be admitted to associate membership (“Associate Member”) of the Association. Any Associate Member, upon written application and approval by a majority vote of the Board at a Regular Meeting, shall be admitted to Regular Membership.
Section 1.03 Honorary Membership Upon nomination by any Regular Member, and subsequent to careful consideration and investigation, the Board may, by majority vote, admit any friend or benefactor of the University, or any matriculate with less than twelve (12) hours, to Honorary Membership.
Section 2.01 Powers of the Board:
The Abraham University Alumni Association shall be governed by its Board of Directors (“Board”). The members of the Board (“Director(s)”) shall have and exercise full control in management of the affairs and business of the Association, consistent with the terms and provisions of the Association Constitution, these Bylaws and other policies established by resolution of the Board.
Section 2.02 Meetings of the Board:
a. Regular Meetings.
There shall be at least two (2) Regular Meetings of the Board per year. The time and place of such Regular Meetings shall be fixed by the Chair of the Board (“Chair”) unless the same has been specified by resolution of the Board. Notice of each Regular Meeting shall be given in writing to each Director at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Regular Meeting. The proposed agenda to be considered at the Regular Meeting shall be sent to each Director for review at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Regular Meeting.
B. Special Meetings:
The Chair, a majority of the Executive Committee or a majority of the Board may call a Special Meeting of the Board. The time and place of such Special Meeting shall be fixed by the Chair when a Special Meeting is appropriately called. Notice of a Special Meeting shall be given in writing at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date of the Special Meeting. The notice of any Special Meeting shall include the purpose for the Special Meeting and agenda. The Board may take official action during any properly noticed and conveyed Special Meeting on those matters stated in the notice, purpose or agenda for such Special Meeting. Directors may attend any Special Meeting in person, telephonically or via telecommunications application software, and adequate accommodations shall be made for Directors who attend remotely.
c. Minutes from each meeting of the Board, Regular Meeting or Special Meeting, shall be kept by the Executive Director or their designee, and shall be available to members of the Board not later than thirty (30) days following the meeting.
Section 2.03 Election of Directors:
a. Eligibility to Run for a Director Seat.
i. Every Regular Member is eligible to submit an application for consideration to the Nominating Committee to become a Director via the methods described in these Bylaws. No person may run for more than one open seat simultaneously. If a potential candidate is eligible to run for more than one open seat, and their application to the Nominating Committee for a place on the ballot does not identify the seat
sought, the Nominating Committee shall either contact the candidate to determine which seat they wish to run for or make a determination based on the current needs of the upcoming election openings.
ii. Any Regular Member shall not be eligible to run for nor occupy any Director seat while they are employed in the following manner:
1. As a full-time or part-time employee at the University. If any sitting Director becomes a full-time or part-time employee of the University following election to the Board, that person may finish out their term as a Director but shall not be eligible to serve an additional term on the Board while employed by the University.
2. In a full-time or part-time position at any other post-secondary educational institution (e.g., college, university) that the University Department of Enrollment deems to be a competitor of Abraham University. If any sitting Director becomes a full-time or part-time employee of any such competitor institution following election to the Board, that person must resign from the Board effective the date they begin work at said competitor institution
b. Board Apportionment:
The Director seats on the Board shall be filled as follows:
i. Year-Group Segment Director Seats.
There shall be two (2) Directors representing each decade of graduates from the
University as follows:
Year Segment #1: Prior to 2020
Year Segment #2: 2020-2029
Year Segment #3: 2030-2039
Year Segment #4: 2040-2049
Year Segment #5: 2050-2059
Year Segment #6: 2060-2069
Beginning with the next unassigned class, a new Year Segment will be added upon the graduation of the graduating class which is unrepresented. Upon the creation of a new Year Segment, one (1) Director seat will be added to represent the new Year Segment for the first five (5) years (e.g., 2023-2028) and a second Director seat for the new Year Segment will be added upon the graduation of a graduating class five (5) years after a new Year Segment has been created (e.g., 2028).
ii. At-Large Director Seats:
There shall be a minimum of seven (7) At-Large Director Seats representing the Alumni. Any Regular Member may submit an application to apply to the Nominating Committee to be considered for placement on the ballot for an open At-Large Director Seat. In selecting candidates to be listed on the ballot for the At-Large seats, the Nominating Committee should seek to promote diversity and representation along lines other than graduation year. For instance, consideration should be given to representation of the various graduate schools, minorities, gender, current geographic location (based on overall location of all Regular Members) and other identifiable groups which may be underrepresented on the Board.
iii. Appointed Director Seats:
The Nominating Committee may present to the Board candidates who the Nominating Committee believes should be appointed to the Board, along with the reasons for such appointments.
The Board shall consider such recommendations and ratify each appointment by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. It is the intent of the Appointed Director Seats to foster and strengthen geographic, ethnic, gender, occupation or area of professional expertise, and other diversity among the Board.
No Director may be appointed to the Board for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Consistent with the Bylaws, no more than half of the Board shall be Appointed Directors at any one time.
Such appointments shall be made and considered individually by the Board at the Fall Regular Meeting or as determined appropriate by the Board.
iv. Global Director Seat.
There shall be one (1) Director representing AU alumni who resides outside the U.S. It is the intent of this position to bring a global perspective to the Board, and to serve as a focal point for global AU alumni feedback on Alumni Association initiatives and activities. The Global Director must live outside the United States, with a minimum two (2) years residency. Non-US citizenship and experience as an International Student at AU are preferred, but not required. The Global Director must commit to attend in person at least one (1) Board meeting in Texas per year. When they are not able to attend a Board meeting in person, they will attend via zoom or digital connection.
c. Nominations process.
i. There shall be a committee charged with the responsibility of identifying
potential candidates for any upcoming Director openings, whether Year-Group Segment, At-Large Director Seats, or Appointed Director Seats (“Nominating Committee”).
ii. The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of no less than three (3)
Directors. The members of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee. Current Directors whose terms of office are expiring and are eligible for re-election shall not serve on or assist the Nominating Committee.
iii. The Nominating Committee may obtain nominees through means which may include, but are not limited to, direct solicitation through mail, Internet, alumni publications; recommendations by current Directors; solicitation at the annual Alumni Banquet; other personal referrals or individual contacts. When nominations are solicited through alumni publications, notification shall be made in a timely manner, allowing reasonable response time. As a part of the nomination process, all nominees shall complete an application, agree to the Lifestyle Commitment, and fulfill other requirements as determined by the Board or the Nominating Committee.
iv. The Nominating Committee, after receiving all nominees, shall assess and screen the nominees, and then, at the Fall Regular Meeting, shall recommend potential candidates to be voted on or appointed for each open Director position to the full Board. The Board shall then consider and vote on the ratification, with or without amendment, of a slate of nominees to appear on the ballot. The appointed persons shall be voted on by the Board as described in Section 2.03(c) above.
d. Election Procedure.
The Office of Alumni Relations may conduct the voting by mail, by secure Internetbased balloting, or by such other means as shall ensure the integrity of process and the maximum participation of eligible Regular members. After the Board has approved a slate of nominees, pursuant to Article II, Section 2.03(c) above, ballots shall be prepared. If polling is by mail, ballots shall be mailed to all eligible Regular
Members for whom the Alumni Office has a current address. If polling is
conducted electronically, alternative forms of notice to the eligible Regular Members, such as e-mail notification, notice through alumni publications, or by mailings instructing members how to vote online, may be employed. Provisions should be made to accommodate voting by Regular Members who do not have access to e-mail or the Web. The Executive Director of Alumni Relations shall be responsible for counting the ballots and reporting results to the Board. All Directors shall be elected by a plurality vote of those voting. Voting for each nominee shall be only by the Regular Members of that body which the nominee would represent. In the event of a tie vote for any office, a runoff election shall be held following the same rules as outlined in this section. Induction of Directors shall take place at the Regular Meeting held in the spring
Section 2.04 Composition of the Board
a. Number of Directors.
The Board shall consist of up to twenty-four (24) Directors, all of which shall have voting authority. There shall be two (2) Year-Group Segment Directors representing each segment (unless a segment is in its first five (5) years, in which case it will be represented by one (1) Director – see Section 2.03 (i)), and a minimum of seven (7) At-Large Directors. The balance of the twenty-four (24) Directors will be appointed by the Board as At Large Directors. Pursuant to Article II, Section 2.04 (b)(iii), an Executive Officer shall remain a Director through the end of their term as an Executive Officer.
b. Terms of Office.
i. Directors may be elected or appointed to a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms. The Executive Director, Executive Committee and Nominating Committee shall make reasonable efforts to stagger the terms of Directors so that approximately one-third (1/3) of the positions shall expire each year. Director terms shall normally last two (2) years in duration. In special circumstances the Board may authorize Director terms shorter than two (2) years in duration in order to maintain said one-third (1/3) position staggering.
ii. After serving three (2) consecutive terms as a Director, they are not eligible to serve another term until twenty-four (24) months have passed since the conclusion of their last term.
iii. If a sitting Executive Officer is eligible for re-election for their current Director seat, then such Director shall run for re-election to their Director seat. Should such person fail to win re-election to the Board and their term as an Executive Officer has not expired, that Director’s term as a member of the Board shall be automatically extended to encompass the term as an Executive Officer. Upon the expiration of the extended term due to holding an Executive Officer position, the Director must be re-elected or appointed to the Board before they are eligible to hold another Executive Officer position.
c. Special Vacancies.
i. A special vacancy on the Board may arise by any of the following: 1) voluntary resignation by a Director; 2) death or any other impairment prohibiting the Director from completing their term; 3) absence from two (2) consecutive Board Regular Meetings (defined as missing more than 50% of a Regular Meeting); or 4) Director behavior, in which case the removal must be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the other Directors present.
ii. In case of a special vacancy on the Board other than a normal vacancy occurring because of the expiration of a term of office, the vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Committee, subject to ratification by the Board. This ratification may be conducted by phone, mail, e-mail, Internet application, in person at a Regular Meeting of the Board, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. Said vacancy shall be filled by a person meeting the eligibility requirements in the class wherein the vacancy exists. The appointee shall serve only for the remainder of the term, unless elected at the expiration thereof to the Board by the Regular Membership. If the remainder of the term being filled is 18 months or longer, it will count as a full term, the first of the three (3) consecutive terms limit.
iii. A vacancy in the office of Chair shall automatically be filled by the Vice Chair. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled by appointment of the Chair.
Section 2.05 Quorum.
A majority of the Directors shall constitute a Quorum.
Section 2.06 Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest
All Directors shall be required to sign a Statement of Confidentiality. This confidentiality agreement shall be signed prior to beginning their first term as Director and shall be renewed annually. All Directors and candidates for Director shall be required to complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement in which they shall disclose any potential conflicts of interest. The Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement shall be completed prior to beginning their first term as Director and shall be renewed annually. Should the Executive Committee determine that the individual’s disclosed conflict of interest is too great and without a reasonable ability to mitigate, said individual will not be allowed to proceed as a candidate, or in the case that the individual is already a standing Director, they shall be required to resign from the Board effective immediately.
The Executive Director, or their designee will provide forms for annual signature at the first Regular Meeting of the calendar year, and signing of forms will be made a part of the Agenda. Any Director absent from this meeting will be provided forms by electronic mail and is required to return the signed forms within 2 weeks of the missed meeting. Signed statements of Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest shall be filed and maintained by the Executive Director or their designee with the Minutes of each Regular Meeting closest to the signing.
Section 3.01 Officers.
a. The Board shall elect from among its membership a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chaplain. The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Chaplain will be referred to collectively as the “Executive Officers” or individually as an “Executive Officer.”
b. Any Director who has been on the Board and attended at least one (1) Regular Meeting shall be eligible to be elected as an Executive Officer.
c. Elections for any open Executive Office shall be held during the Fall Regular Meeting of the Board. When a new Chair is being selected, election for that office shall be held prior to balloting for other offices, and any candidate for the office of Chair who is not selected may run for another office.
d. In order to promote continuity of leadership, when the Board is electing a new Chair, each sitting Executive Officer shall automatically be considered a candidate for Chair, unless such Executive Officer shall decline to stand for election to the Chairmanship. Any member of the Board not serving as an Executive Officer will also be considered if nominated.
i. The Board may choose to elect a “Chair Elect” position at the Spring Regular meeting prior to their installment as the new Chair in the Fall. The Chair Elect shall work with the Board Chair to learn the responsibilities of the position, with the intent of a smooth transition to the Chair position. The Chair Elect shall become a member of the Executive Committee in a non-voting capacity.
e. Each Executive Officer shall be elected to serve a two (2)-year term. No person shall hold the same Executive Office for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
f. Any Executive Officer who is not re-elected to such office at the Fall Regular Meeting shall nonetheless serve out their term as an Executive Officer until the newly elected Executive Officer is installed on the day following the Fall Regular Meeting.
g. All terms for newly elected Executive Officers shall begin on the day after the Fall Regular Meeting and continue through the last day of the Fall Regular Meeting two (2) years later, when new Executive Officers are installed.
The Executive Committee shall consist of six (6) members: (1) Chair of the
Association, (2) the Vice Chair, (3) the Secretary, (4) the Treasurer, (5) the
Chaplain, and (6) the Executive Director. During the intervals between meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee shall possess, and may exercise, under the control and direction of the Board, all of the powers of the Board in the management and control of the business of the Association. All action taken by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board at its first meeting thereafter, and shall be subject to ratification, revisions, or rescission by vote of the Board. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of any Executive Committee member, and shall keep a written report of all action taken by it. Action taken by the Executive Committee shall be by vote of record of not less than four
(4) members.
The Director of Alumni Relations shall be the “Executive Director” of the Alumni Association and the Chief Administrative Officer of the Board and the Association. They shall have full control over the day-to-day operation of the Association, and shall be responsible to the Board through its Executive Committee.
A Parliamentarian may be nominated by the Chair and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors present. The Parliamentarian’s term shall run commensurate with the Chair’s term. The Parliamentarian shall use the latest edition of “Abraham’s Rules of Order” as a guide and, unless a Director, shall have speaking privileges but no voting privileges. In the absence of a Parliamentarian, the Board may conduct its operations, if agreeable to a majority of the Directors present, in a more relaxed or informal manner. However, when made necessary by circumstances or special issues, or at the direction of the Chair, the Board shall act consistent with general parliamentary procedure established by “Abraham’s Rules of Order” or by temporary supplemental rules which may from time to time be adopted.
The Board shall establish standing rules consistent with the Constitution and these Bylaws for the governing management and conduct of the Board and the Association. A standing rule may be revised, repealed, or suspended by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total votes cast upon the
Committees, whether standing or temporary, shall be created, modified, or
disbanded at the discretion of the Chair or by direction from a vote of the Board. Committee Chairs shall be filled by only elected or appointed Directors of the Board, and shall be selected in a manner designated by the Chair, such as direct appointment, election, or other reasonable manner. Committee members shall be Regular Members of the Association. A majority of the members of any regular committee must be Directors.
Special or advisory committees may be created from time to time, and such committees need not have a majority of members from the Board of Directors. The duration and charge of a committee may be determined by the Chair or by a vote of the Board, and its charge or duration may be extended, modified, or terminated in the same manner.
The Board, or the Executive Director or Executive Committee with the approval of the Board, may create, sponsor, develop, operate, or conduct various alumni activities and programs for the interest and advancement of the alumni or for the benefit of the University. Homecoming will be held annually.
These Bylaws may be altered, amended, modified, or repealed at any Regular or Special Meeting of the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the Directors
present, provided notice of such meeting has been provided in accordance with these Bylaws.
(Est. November, 2022)
The purpose of these standing rules of the Association (“Standing Rules of
Order”) is to provide ongoing direction for the governance of the Board.
All capitalized and defined terms used in these Standing Rules shall enjoy the same meaning as in the Bylaws, unless otherwise specifically noted. These Standing Rules may be modified, revised, repealed, or suspended, as directed by the Bylaws While “Abraham’s Rules of Order” may provide the general standard for the governance of Board meetings, “Abraham’s Rules of Order” may not be superseded by any pertinent Standing Rules, any applicable provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws or by temporary supplemental rules as may from time to time be adopted.
1. All Board minutes shall be made available to any Regular Member who makes a written request of the Association.
2. Notice of the availability of Board minutes may be published each time the financial report is published.
3. These Standing Rules shall be divided in specific topical headings for
organizational purposes to allow easy reference.
The attendance of Directors at Regular and Special Meetings may be published in an alumni periodical. In such case, the publication would note only the individual Director’s attendance or absence from each session of the Board.
1. The Board is authorized to raise funds to financially support the purpose of the Association as generally set forth in the Constitution, the Bylaws of the Association, or as specifically directed by the Board.
2. An annual financial report shall be prepared and made available to all Directors and to all Regular and Associate Members requesting such information in writing. The annual report shall be kept on file and available to any Regular Member in good standing of the Association.
1. The Association Office shall have complete access to and use of any and all parts of the Association mailing list containing the most current information of Regular and Associate Members (“Association Mailing List”).
2. Current Directors shall have access to the portion of the Association Mailing List containing their constituents for the Year-Group Segment they represent or graduated in.
3. Leadership Schools and Departments of the University may access the portion of the Association Mailing List containing constituents of such School and/or department, subject to approval from the Executive Committee.
4. The Executive Committee and Board have discretionary power for other uses of the Association mailing list.
1. A semi-annual report reflecting the status, actions, and plans of the Board, Executive Director, Executive Committee, or other committees, may be prepared and presented to the AU Board of Trustees.
2. A copy of such report described above shall be distributed to the Board at least thirty (30) days prior to being presented to the AU Board of Trustees. Directors shall have ten (10) days to comment on the report and such comments may be used in preparation of the final report presented to the Board of Trustees.
3. A copy of the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings shall be provided to current Directors, within forty five (25) days following each Executive Committee
There shall be an “Alumni of the Year” committee (“AOY Committee”) consisting of at least three (3) Directors appointed pursuant to the Bylaws, who shall annually receive, screen, and recommend nominees to receive “Alumni Awards” in all, some, or none of the following categories:
(1) Distinguished Service to God; and/or
(2) Distinguished Service to the Community; and/or (3) Distinguished Service to the Alma Mater; and/or (4) Distinguished Service to the nation; and/or
(5) The Rising Servant Leader.
The intent is to acknowledge outstanding leaders and their accomplishments, adding value to them for greater influence, while commissioning them to command greater transformational leadership and reformation by representing Abraham University and by demonstrating integrity, capacity and character in their service to God, service to the community, the nation, and to humanity.
The AOY Committee will evaluate the nominees for each award based on criteria which could include, but not necessarily be limited to:
(1) Distinguished Service to God: Excellence in fulfillment of Apostle Abraham’s vision for students to become transformational leaders through full- or part-time ministry in a church, missions organization, ministry etc,.
(2) Distinguished Service to the Community: Excellence in serving the community and society, including those outside the kingdom of God, by bringing God’s voice, light, and power into their world; and excellence in meeting unique challenges presented by their environment.
(3) Distinguished Service to the Alma Mater: Excellence in their field of service, contributions to the total life of the University, and spiritual impact on students, the Abraham University community, and fellow alumni. While nominations in this category may be based in part on outstanding or faithful financial support of Abraham University, this is not a prerequisite however.
(4) Distinguished Service to the nation” “Transformational Leadership Award”: Excellence in carrying out Abraham University’s founding vision through service and achievements in non-ministry, non-missions fields, and by representing Christ in their particular scope of influence.
(5) The Raising Servant Leader” Leadership Award; Granted to emerging alumnus/alumna who has received an undergraduate degree from Abraham University within the last five years, and who has shown distinguished leadership, exceedingly capacity and outstanding Christ-like character.
Furthermore, in each category, quality and longevity of service and ministry may be considered, and those who have served “quietly and faithfully” will be on equal footing with those who are widely recognized for their work. Each nominee’s life and conduct should reflect Christ’s character as revealed in Scriptures. After the AOY Committee has evaluated the nominees, the AOY Committee shall present to the Board with its recommendations for honorees in each, some, or none of the categories at the Regular Meeting preceding Homecoming. Upon presentation, the Board shall either;
(i) select the award honorees for each category from among multiple nominees presented, and/or
(ii) ratify the selection of a single nominee for an award. Selection of an honoree from multiple nominees or ratification of a single nominee shall be determined by a majority vote taken via secret ballot of the Directors present.
The award may be conferred annually during the Homecoming activities, and may
include honorees and their spouses